This is a growing list of useful blogs, surveillance-friendly STS programs, and STS-friendly surveillance studies programs (in progress).
- Latin American Network of Surveilance, Technology and Society Studies (LAVITS)
- Notes from the Ubiquitous Surveillance Society (by David Murakami Wood)
- Surveillance and Identity (by David Barnard-Wills)
- Surveillance Studies (German Surveillance Studies blog run by Nils Zurawski)
- The Surveillance Studies Network (including their Journal Surveillance & Society)
- Verdaten. Klassifizieren. Archivieren (Austrian blog by researchers Stephan Gruber, Daniel Meßner, and Christoph Musik)
- The Third Part Diary (a blog by Lonneke van der Velden about digital surveillance: the presence of third parties on Dutch government websites)
- The Social Lives of Digital Data Objects (Collaboration between several scholars, among others Evelyn Ruppert, Adrain MacKenzie and Sally Wyatt. Aim: "to develop a ‘social literacy’ about big data rather than re-iterating the need to respond to ‘the data deluge' ")
- EASST Eurograd List
- GWTF Talk (German STS List)
- STSGRAD Google Group
- Surveillance List (International)
- Surveillance Studies List (German)
- Centre for Research into Information, Surveillance & Privacy (CRISP), joint research center by the University of Stirling, the Open University, and the University of Edinburgh (UK)
- Infonomics and New Media Research Centre: The DigIDeas Project, Zuyd University, Maastricht (The Netherlands)
- Intel Science & Technology Center for Social Computing (ISTC), joint research center by Cornell University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Indiana University, New York University, and the University of California Irvine (US)
- STS Center, Århus University (Denmark)
- The Surveillance Studies Centre (SSC), Queens University, Kingston (Canada)
- Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT), Tilburg University (The Netherlands)
- European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST)
- European Network for the Social Studies of Forensics (EUnetSSF)
- Living in Surveillance Societies (LiSS) Cost Action. European research programme and network. The first international multidisciplinary academic programme to consider issues relating to everyday life in surveillance societies.
- Society for the Social Study of Science (4S)
- The Surveillance Studies Network (SSN)
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